Are you forcing yourself to walk up and down staircases repetitively until feeling extremely exhausted?
Are you uncontrollably opening and closing door until you felt satisfied?
If you are experiencing any of the above behaviors, you are probably being told you are diagnosed with medical terms called OCD obsessive and compulsive disorder.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.
You may try to ignore or stop your obsessions, but that only increases your distress and anxiety. Ultimately, you feel driven to perform compulsive acts to try to ease your stress. Despite efforts to ignore or get rid of bothersome thoughts or urges, they keep coming back. This leads to more ritualistic behavior — the vicious cycle of OCD.
I’m used to act with such behaviors during my early childhood and adult age.
I could continuously force myself to count the sequence of numbers, blinking my eyes until bursting into anger and frustration.
My sibling and schoolmates were making fun and teasing on me while I acted abnormally.
if I do not follow the repetitive set of rhythm and procedures, something horrible will happen.
These obsessive and recurring thoughts are like added compulsions. Compulsions are recurring actions that are performed mentally, emotionally, and physically. Anytime, anywhere and at any cost.
What is the metaphysical perspective of OCD?
The Law of the Cause and Effect.
If OCD is the Effect, then what are the causes of these behaviors?
I really wanted to find out why, so I can stop the suffering, once and for all.
When I ask High self and spirit for guidance, what causes these OCD behaviors in me?
It shows me an image of an innocent man, being framed and spending entire life in jail.
He has so much unfinished businesses that are yet to complete, but unfortunately, he is being setup and he cannot do anything about it.
He is thinking the same old problems and looping the same old thoughts repeatedly.
He is fear of life.
He is fear of inability to complete the assigned task.
He can’t do anything about it since he is inside the jail, the only things he can do is keep on thinking the same old problems.
So, I asked my high self again, what can I do about it?
Complete all the unfinished businesses.
Then I asked again, do I need to find out what I have not completed in my past lives?
No, it is the ideals of “you are whole and complete”.
What does it mean?
Apply this whole, complete and “it is done” in all of your OCD behaviours.
If you need to count the numbers repeatedly, just replace with another thought process, command it has been FINALLY completed beautifully and perfectly.
I love my life. I am finally completely counting the set of routine numbers beautifully and perfectly.
If you need to open and close the door repeatedly, just replace with another thought process, command it has been FINALLY completed beautifully and perfectly.
I love my life. I am finally completely opening and closing the door beautifully and perfectly.
If you need to walk up and down staircases repeatedly, just replace with another thought process, command it has been FINALLY completed beautifully and perfectly.
I love my life. I am finally completely walk up and down the staircases beautifully and perfectly.
Whatever OCD thoughts and behaviours bothering you, just replace and complete the “scripts”.
So, I decided to try the advice, and tell my four bodies with the new set of commands; all these patterns is being completed perfectly and beautifully.
And it stops. All these OCD behaviours which has been troubling me for many years.
If you have any similar OCD behaviours, you may try it on yourself.
I love my life. I am finally completely ___________________________________beautifully and perfectly.
Our subconscious mind just act like software programming in the computer. If a script is causing bugs, just identify which line of the scripts causing problems and rewrite the scripts.
You may also find out more insights from your high self through Soul Memories and BodyMaitre, what causes the OCD in you.