Soul Fragments

Tips on clearing and recalling Soul Fragments and Soul Disconnection

Our soul is energy, energy can transform from one state to another. It’s a life force. Neither can be created or destroyed.

Therefore, it can never die, only evolve, and change form.

When our soul incarnates on this planet (mother earth) and this body (vehicle for the soul), we are only “allocating” a small percentage of soul essences in this human body.

Can we lose part of our soul in this body?

Our soul is always in our body. Instead, we can lose connection to it because of the accumulation of unresolved trauma experiences and unaddressed physical / etheric wounds.

We’re all have a soul within, it’s just that some people lose connection to them because of unresolved ancestral, family, society, and childhood trauma.

This trauma was so intense until we lost connection with our soul, or some people called it fragmented apart and dead inside. Thus, become separated from their true essence.

For example, imagine you are staying in a beautiful fully transparent glass house, the sunlight shines through and illuminates every corner of the space in the house. 

But when you start to accumulate stuffs that not beneficial, rarely used and not belong to you within, and your house become cluttered.

Sun Light no longer can penetrate to every corner in the glasshouse.

light became fragmented and scattered within.

Sign and common symptoms of soul loss due to fragmented and disconnection.

  • Part of yourself feels something is missing and lost.
  • You feel no longer have purpose and meaning in life.
  • Long period of anxiety and depression.
  • You feel incomplete.
  • You feel numbness in everything you do.
  • You feel attached or “addicted” to certain lifetime, things, timeline, places, and people.
  • You feel you are not yourself anymore or a different person.
  • You feel you have multiple “persons” living in your body.
  • You feel part of your memories has been blocked out.
  • You feel you can do a lot of great things but simply have no energy to do it.

How to recall, retrieve, and reconnect back to your soul?

Here, let’s back to the glasshouse metaphor, if the space within the glasshouse full of cluttered that blocking the light, what will you do?

Will you take an effort to clear out the clutters or simply let it be?

Clearing out inner clutters take times, effort, and dedication.

Most of us take several lifetimes to be aware there is needed to be done within.

Some of us took an entire lifetime to spring cleaning within.

If you are SRT or BodyMaitre Practitioners, here’s some questions you may use for your own reference.

Is my own soul fragmented and disconnected within the vehicle for the soul (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies) due to attachment and addiction to places, people, things, experiences from the past and future?

If Yes, Research and Investigate further with your SRT and BodyMaitre Charts.

Is other people soul fragments attached within my own vehicle for the soul (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies) due to attachment and addiction to places, people, things, experiences from the past and future?

If Yes, Research and Investigate further with your SRT and BodyMaitre Charts.

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