causes of nightmares

Case Study – What Causes Recurring Nightmares and Bad Dreams?

What causes recurring nightmares and bad dreams?

When we are experiencing recurring nightmares and bad dreams, it usually indicates by our higher self, guides, or angels, we have unresolved energies, lessons, or entities we are not consciously looking at.

Most of the time, the “story” presented in our dream, using metaphor examples for us to learn something that we are not paying attention to or aware of.  

So, if you are experiencing any bad dreams, especially the recurring one. Try to pay attention and see what are the messages from the universe trying to tell you.


After I was back from a trip, I am having recurring nightmares and bad dreams in a row, almost for one week now. The dream was so vivid, I was being chased by ghosts, and this dream world was full of spirits. As though similar to the TV Drama Walk of Dead.

I would love to know are there any spirits attached to me, or anything I need to know?


In this Case study, we will be demonstrating how to identify the root causes of the recurring nightmare and bad dreams in the four-body system. 


This case study video showcases how to scan and research four-body energies, root causes and blocks related to the subject topic. The clearing, healing and transformation segment are excluded in this video.

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