Self Study

“Going to school is one thing, getting educated is another…” 
—Paul Brunton, Perspectives.


The process of learning is complex, mysterious, exciting and never-ending. We are both educators and lifelong students of natural healing, education, personal awareness and growth. Each of us has had the good fortune of some fantastic teachers and great classroom experiences. We have also had our share of disappointing educational experiences in formal colleges, professional schools and various home study courses. 

We’ve taken our passionate ideals of education, and combined them with our experiences of learning and teaching, as well as our love of natural vibrational healing and it’s mysterious, to create the course you are about to begin. We have thought deeply about the meaning of self-study. We want to orient you to the underlying intention and structure of this self-study course so that we can begin this adventure in learning from a similar vantage point.

Great teachers can inspire us to learn, yet the learning itself is up to us. Self-study acknowledges deeply the role of the student in the learning process. How did a teacher become a teacher? By staying with a topic for a number of yearsby thinking about it, talking about it, struggling with it, working with the material of it, answering the questions of friends, family and students, by leaving no stone unturned and no question unanswered. This is the gift of self-study. Since there is no teacher right there to ask your question to, you must ask yourself and find the answer. Without the role of a teacher in the classroom to unlock the door to your knowledge right away, you will learn deeply from the start. Indeed, searching for the answers may inspire your greatest learning! It is our experience that sooner or later, we have to figure everything out for ourselves. We are here to support that process for you and help along the way!

This course provides a well-marked, fun and great healing path from an assumed starting point of knowing very little about spiritual healing. Many activities are offered. Each activity has the purpose of supporting your investigation and integration of the theory being offered. The activities have been created out of our own self-study. Many of them are things we did by ourselves in order to learn the exact material you are studying. The point here is to make sure you actually do every activity!

The ride from not knowing something to knowing it is often spanned by a bridge called confusion. Confusion is a place where the process of learning can be exhilarating or frustrating, depending on how it is approached. Coming to the confusion is always a sign that learning, integration and a leap of understanding is upon us. Our individual experiences of learning greatly improve when we figure this out. 

What is the key to moving through the confusion, to understanding? Number one is to approach this state of mind with curiosity, patience, creativity, and above all, perseverance. One skill gained through self-study is learning how you best learn. Since moving through the confusion is central to learning, learning ways to move through your own confusion will be key to your success.

Here are some ideas for moving through the confusion:

  1. Stop studying and go do something else. This gives your mind some time to rest—an important ingredient to learning.
  2. Change the way you are studying. For example, if you keep reading the same paragraph over and over and still do not understand it, try reading it out loud, try standing up and reading, have someone read it to you, or write out the paragraph yourself.
  3. Breathe. Confusion often brings with it a contraction of both the body and mind. Take a few conscious breaths, allow your face, jaw, neck and head to relax and soften. Imagine your mind getting larger and the “problem” becoming smaller as the size of its container, the mind, grows larger.
  4. When taking a break from studying, try taking a walk, stretching, riding a bike—anything physical. Studying can be a very mental process and sometimes our bodies are left out. By bringing the nonverbal wisdom of your four bodies to your studies through simple movement, you may realize that this is a great way to move through confusion.

What is on the other side of confusion? Clarity awaits you! The process of moving through confusion often involves repetition, sorting, churning the new information through your body, and exploring ideas from different points of view. This motion through the confusion to clarity, from unknown to known, is the actual learning experience. As you make it your practice to understand your own path to clarity and knowing, you will find your own unique ways of enjoying the process of self-study.

Mastering the process of self-study opens you up to a world of learning. You’ll be able to deeply explore topics that interest you at your own pace, in your most comfortable environment. In the end, you will have the great personal satisfaction of knowing that you have accomplished something great all on your own.

Four-Bodies as a metaphysical field offers many opportunities for self-study. A great advantage of being part of such a new profession is the many “unknowns.” Since there is still much to be understood in the field of the four-bodies system, practitioners who are good at self-study will be able to bring information from varying fields into relevance for the Four-Bodies system. For instance, what can the fields of light bodies, aura, genetic line, DNA, traditional, and conventional alternative therapies offer to our own Four-Bodies system? This course will give you a strong foundation to support your ongoing self-study and emergence into the extraordinary world of Mastering your own Four-Bodies.

The course is set up in an order that has been well thought out. My intention is for you to progress from Orientation to all lessons in order and that you will complete all the reading, dowsing exercise, case studies, and other activities along the way. You are encouraged to review the material often, watch the video segments a number of times, and re-do dowsing activities in order to really integrate and learn the details being offered.

As questions arise, write them down. Use these questions as a guide to your further self-study. The answers are in the material given, or perhaps in an activity or video. Maybe you’ll come up with a great question that leads to research on the internet or other books. Follow your questions where they may lead you! No one is expecting you to grasp every detail after going through an activity or reading assignment just once or twice. Give yourself the time and space to repeat learning activities as needed. By tracking and answering your questions, you will be mastering the art of self-study as well as finding the aspects of BodyMaitre that are most inspiring to you. Knowing what inspires you will support your future ideas of how you will be practicing BodyMaitre in your own unique way.

We wish you great success on your magical life journey on earth with the vehicle of your Four-Bodies system!

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